Publication Criteria

All papers submitted for publication in Jurisprudence should comply with basic criteria set out below, which are applied by the editorial team and reviewers to decide whether or not to publish the paper. 

  1. Originality. The paper should offer a new perspective on the issue under examination and it should contain original ideas which enrich or move forward the current scholarly discussion on the topic. It (or a part of it) shall not have been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Subject-matter. Papers should be primarily addressed to the scholarly community, rather than legal practitioners. The title of the paper should not suggest just a partial treatment of the issue, e.g. ″A few comments on …″ which is contrary to the scholarly systematic approach and would only fit in the Discourse section. Thus, a more narrowly defined subject-matter would be more suitable.  If possible, the title should not refer to the number of a legal provision, but it should explicitly state the subject-matter. 
  3. Level of treatment. The text of the paper must precisely correspond to its title. The topic should be discussed in depth and holistically. Therefore, papers on ″selected issues“ are not suitable. The text should provide clearly defined objectives and conclusions. Methodology of the treatment differs in each section. 
  4. Taking into account existing scholarly discussion. The author should build on scholarly literature on the topic which has been published until now (articles and monographs) and he should take into consideration reasoning of other authors (in the text or in citations). In this respect, commentaries on the laws or textbooks are not regarded as scholarly literature.
  5. Clarity and persuasiveness. The paper should provide a clear and logical explanation and the author´s reasoning should be persuasive in the context of ongoing scholarly discussion on the topic.
  6. Style. The text of the paper should be written in a form typical of scholarly papers, i.e. a continuous text. Papers written in the form of an overview briefly outlining just basic points are unacceptable. 
  7. Methodology. The paper should be written while using the methodology for drafting scholarly papers, with an emphasis on objective judgment, reliable sources and logically structured reasoning.  
  8. Taking into account other scholarly works. The author must, in the context of ongoing scholarly discussion, consistently cite major works relating to the subject-matter of the paper.
  9. Taking into account case law. The author should take into account the most important judicial decisions bearing on the subject-matter of the paper.
  10. Citation potential. The topic and its treatment should contain ideas which can be of use to other authors, both in the Czech Republic and, where appropriate, abroad.
  11. Foreign literature and case law. The author should take into account foreign sources as well (i.e. both literature and case law), in particular when writing a treatise. This is very important notably as regards topics with an international dimension.
  12. Comparative perspective.  The author of a treatise should, where appropriate considering the subject-matter of the paper, provide a comparison with at least some selected (notably EU) countries.

 Papers which will be included in non-peer reviewed sections, Commentaries on Case Law and Discourse, will only be evaluated on criteria 1-6. Papers for sections Treatises and Articles are evaluated on all above mentioned criteria.  


editorial office
Charles University
Faculty of Law

office no. 204
Nám. Curieových 7
116 40 Praha 1

Wolters Kluwer, a. s.

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130 00 Praha 3
