Gor Vartazaryan
Author’s affiliation: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague

Exceeding the Appointment Powers of the President of the Czech Republic

Jurisprudence 3/2024 Section: Articles Page: 22-43

Keywords: President, Czech Republic, appointment powers, exceeding the powers of appointment, Václav Havel, Václav Klaus, Miloš Zeman

Abstract: This paper analyzes the exceeding of selected presidential powers regarding appointments in the Czech Republic. Included in the analysis were the presidential appointment powers set out in the Constitution, including the appointment of professors and rectors. All controversial cases of appointments from 1993 to 2023 involving Václav Havel, Václav Klaus, and Miloš Zeman were included in the analysis. The data collection presented 58 controversial cases, of which the author identified 19 exceeding cases. The results of this thesis provide insights into how presidential appointment powers are interpreted and how theoretical interpretation clashes with the practice of individual presidents.
