Viktor Derka
Author’s affiliation: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague

Constitutionality of Reappointment of Judicial Officials

Jurisprudence 1/2017 Section: Articles Page: 3-14

Keywords: courts, Ministry of Justice, administration, appointment, officials, transparency, selection procedure

Abstract: The paper handles the currently vivid topic of the appointment of judicial officials. The first chapter analyses the finding of the Constitutional Court, file No. Pl. ÚS 39/08 of 6 October 2010, opinions of the professional public, and the development of the internal rulemaking process of the Ministry of Justice. The second chapter continues by assessing selected appointments at specific courts and it offers possible solutions to the current non-ideal situation. Primary sources are laws, case law, the internal rulemaking process of the Ministry of Justice, as well as communications or decisions issued in response to requests for information. However, the paper also considers secondary literature in the form of research papers.
