Naděžda Šišková
Author’s affiliation: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague

Common European Values and the Effectiveness of the Instruments for their Protection

Jurisprudence 2/2024 Section: Articles Page: 28-36

Keywords: common European values, human rights, rule of law, infringement procedure, political procedure, rule of law conditionality

Abstract: This article deals with the concept of common European values in integration, which significanse is still growing. It is a clear trend which consists in the shift from the economical aspects of the European integration to the values, which can be seen from the latest 90's, when the new legal institutes (incuding the area of freedom, security and justice) were adopted and which are based on the common values. The contribution focuses on the analysis of the main legal instruments which can be used for the protection of these values. Especially on: infringement procedure (article 258 TFEU), a political procedure (article 7 TFEU), a New EU Framework to Strengthen the Rule of Law based on the Communication from the Commission COM(2014)158 and Rule of law conditionality under the Regulation No. 2020/2092. The contribution analyses these instruments concerning their effectiveness and the ways of their improvement, including the proposals de lege ferenda.

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